If you've seen the crosses that have begun popping up in the area then you might be wondering what they mean. In 2008 in Frakenmuth, Michigan a battle over the separation of church and state began. A resident of the town asserted that two small crosses on the bridge entering into the town was a violation of church and state. Following the recommendation of the city attorney they were removed. Shortly after removing the bridge crosses, the town flag soon came under fire for having a cross as well. The people of Frankenmuth at that point decided that they had enough. God was being removed from their town of which He was greatly needed in.
In response to the attack on the cross, the people of Frankenmuth began to place small white crosses in their front yards. These crosses symbolized the need for God in their town as well as in our country. The crosses, although small, made a giant impact. The petition to remove the cross from the flag was removed, and the town felt united like never before.
Much has happened in Frankenmuth since then and the battle to keep God relevant rages on as it does all over America. Out of this battle however, the small white cross has emerged and slowly spread across the nation. The cross is a small, quiet reminder that we desperately God in this country. By placing a small white cross in your yard, we silently unite with our fellow Christians all across this great nation. The cross tells those who drive by that whomever lives here is a Christian and desires God; in this household, in this community, and in this nation!
Please join with us in spreading this movement to our little area by placing a small white cross in your yard, and let us unite together to stand up for God in the midst of this attack to remove Him from where He is needed most.
In response to the attack on the cross, the people of Frankenmuth began to place small white crosses in their front yards. These crosses symbolized the need for God in their town as well as in our country. The crosses, although small, made a giant impact. The petition to remove the cross from the flag was removed, and the town felt united like never before.
Much has happened in Frankenmuth since then and the battle to keep God relevant rages on as it does all over America. Out of this battle however, the small white cross has emerged and slowly spread across the nation. The cross is a small, quiet reminder that we desperately God in this country. By placing a small white cross in your yard, we silently unite with our fellow Christians all across this great nation. The cross tells those who drive by that whomever lives here is a Christian and desires God; in this household, in this community, and in this nation!
Please join with us in spreading this movement to our little area by placing a small white cross in your yard, and let us unite together to stand up for God in the midst of this attack to remove Him from where He is needed most.